How to Plan the Perfect River Cruise for Families and Groups

(Yahya Momtaz – Unsplash)   So you’ve decided to book your first river cruise – that’s wonderful! River cruises are a fun and unique way to explore a distant location, and with the endless amenities and events they offer, they can easily be one of the most memorable trips of your life. For those who […]

The Top 6 River Cruises for Families and Groups

The Top 6 River Cruises for Families and Groups   (Valeria Nikitina – Unsplash)   Do you feel that? The wind in your hair, the sounds of waves crashing against your boat, the scents of divine cuisine wafting through the air, followed by the taste of luxurious wines… We know you can feel it now. […]

Supporting Diversity in Tourism: Highlighting Black-Owned Travel and Hospitality Businesses

(Christina – Unsplash) Did you know that August is Black-Owned Business month? In a world dominated by large corporations, it is especially important to recognize and celebrate the achievements of black entrepreneurs across the globe. This is especially true for black travel and hospitality business owners, who unite and rejoice in the beauty of […]

Dynamite Discovery: How to Enjoy Luxury Travel With Your Dog

(Pauline Loroy – Unsplash)   Traveling with companions is a great way to share wonderful memories and experiences with your loved ones, but who said that companion had to be human? Many travelers choose to bring their precious pooch on their journey and for good reason! With their playful attitudes, wagging tails, and famous puppy-dog […]

6 Must-Visit Juneteenth Events for BIPOC Travel Enthusiasts

(Tasha Jolley – Unsplash)   What does Juneteenth mean to you? Does it mean honoring the lives of the enslaved? Celebrating the achievements of the BIPOC community? A big, smoking barbeque with your neighbors and friends? Perhaps you’re looking for a mix of all three. If that’s the case, then you’re in luck! Here’s a […]

Prideful Places: The Top Travel Destinations to Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride

Fifty-four years ago, the legendary Stonewall Riots swept through the United States and demanded equal rights for all citizens, no matter what gender they loved or chose to identify as. Those very protests, marches, and rebellions led to worldwide LGBTQ+ acceptance. Now in 2023, members of the LGBTQ+ community around the globe can express their […]

Common Mistakes Travelers Make (and What to Do Instead!)

Common Mistakes Travelers Make (and What to Do Instead!) Even the most seasoned travelers (myself included) have fallen prey to travel blunders over the years. From dining at bland tourist traps to getting lost, to even tipping 50 dollars instead of 50 pesos (yes, that really happened) – mistakes are bound to happen.  Let’s count […]

Splurge vs. Save – The Travel Edition

Splurge vs Save – The Travel Edition (PHOTO) It’s easy to get carried away when planning your vacation, from luxurious resorts and five-star restaurants to once-in-a-lifetime tours in places you’ve only dreamed of. If you’ve ever wondered where you should splurge and where you should save, this is for you: Upgrading to Business / First […]

Travel Advisors Cost More Money… And Other Myths Debunked

  Some people still sadly associate using a travel advisor with paying more money, when in actual fact – it’s quite the opposite. From getting you the best seats on the plane to working behind the scenes to ensure your vacation goes off without a hitch – after using a great travel advisor once, you’ll […]

How to Work with A Travel Advisor at Dynamite Travel – A First Timer’s Guide

You’ve found the perfect travel advisor, and now’s the time to put them to work on your dream trip! If you’re new to working with a travel advisor, there are a few things that you can do to help make the process run smoothly.  Having been described as the travel industry’s ‘matchmakers’, a great client-travel […]